Saturday, August 31, 2019

Employee Training and Career Development Paper Essay

Every organization has the need for well-trained and educated employees. It is obviously important that the employees are capable of preforming every task that is necessary to complete the organizations goals. The times and industries will change and if we wish for our employees to stay ahead of the game then this is where the importance of training will come in. Employees and organizations will gradually fall behind in skills and training and it is the responsibility of the organization to uphold training, development and career development. Skills and training are imperative to the success of an organization and in this paper the explanation of the role of these things will be explained. The development of employees has the ability to improve overall success of an organization. Training is something that will be ever changing and will be re defined constantly as well as it will be one of the most important part of an organizations strategy. Training must be contributed to by the or ganization by providing tools that will be needed by the employees. Training is something that will be used to guide an organizations productivity, profitability, morale, and work environment. Training also helps an organization stay competitive and better performing than other companies in their perspective fields. Trainings will also have the ability to build team relationships and employee moral, creating a stronger workplace. In order to develop an organization must change what an employee knows, how they work, and even their attitudes toward their jobs, coworkers, manages, and the organization. In a way, training focuses on individual’s current jobs to help them enhance specific skills and abilities in order to perform their jobs (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007). Development methods vary and should be used wisely committee assignments, simulations, job rotations, seminars, assistants, and on the job training. Employee  development methods techniques that can be developed while on the job. However, there are some techniques that can be developed off the job as well (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007). Using all of these can reveille different technic about different employees. Revealing different traits about employees can be a very helpful fact to managers. These things will also show the employees what they are capable of and even give them new knowledge, skills, and abilities. This kind of method can provide with a more reliable and comprehensive evaluation of the employee by his supervisor (DeCenzo & Robbins, 2007). Organizational development is very important to organizations because it will tell the organization how they and their employees function as a team. Organizational development strategies can be used to help employees become more committed and more adaptable, which ultimately improves the organization as a whole (â€Å"Organizational Development†, 2012). Organizational development is what employees will see and how they will react to the organization its self. If your employees feel the trust in the organization then the organization will create loyal and hard working employees that will overall create a more effective work place. Human resource management plays a large part in career development by guiding and helping employees succeed to there fullest. Human resource management is tasked with training and keeping up with all new techniques. Also any time the organization acquires new employees human resources is tasked with educating and training those employees in the goals of the organization. Human resources will also be the ones that will set the requirements for all jobs within the organization. Human resource management will attempt to keep everything within the company fair and keep setting the bar for promotion keeping the employees interested in their jobs within the organization. Once I have completed my bachelor’s program and earned my degree the plan is to continue my military career and go on to Officer Candidate School. I wish to be able to lead and care for my Marines with the best of my ability. Troop well fair is one of the most important things to me hence why my focus has been on human resources. Currently in my position I am able to take care of my Marines and am enhancing my career with my education. Employee education and training is very important within any organization and if there needs to be someone to guide employees down the correct path in reaching their own personal goals as well as the goals of  the organization. Career development and employee training is are two key parts to any organization and with out one the other will fail and if both are not running at optimum potential then the organization will slowly decline then fail. References: DeCenzo, D. A., & Robbins, S. P. (2007). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Organizational development. (2012). Retrieved from development-176845

Friday, August 30, 2019

Financial Implication of Decision

Evidencing the increased emphasis on exit strategy was research conducted during the mid-1960s through the mid-1970s that analyzed the exit process and created a framework that business decision makers could use to determine when and how to exit. For example, Conrad Berenson posited an exit model in 1963 that identified five categories of criteria used to evaluate a product abandonment decision: 1. Financial security, which entails determining if the minimum return on investment is being met for the firm; 2.Financial opportunity, or calculating the return on alternative uses of the firm's resources; 3. Marketing strategy, which determines the value of the product above pure financial profit, such as brand-name worth and the value of established distribution channels; 4. Social responsibility, or criteria that encompass the firm's responsibilities to customers, employees, suppliers, and so forth; and 5. Organized intervention, which takes into account actions by government, society, o r labor groups as a result of the decision to exit.And you need to anticipate the impact of key business decisions on your accounting and financial reporting. * Is your organization raising debt or equity? Acquiring a business? Carving-out a non-core operation? Complex accounting and financial reporting issues can arise as a result of changes dictated by your entity’s capital agenda. * Are you undertaking a significant business transformation? Assessing how a shared services center can improve efficiencies in your reporting process?Streamlining your accounting policies can help you reduce risk and manage cost. * Does the business operate in multiple jurisdictions? An assessment of your statutory reporting processes can allow you to manage risk, increase consistency in financial reporting, and realize efficiencies. * Are you planning to upgrade or replace your existing ERP system? Early assessment of changing accounting requirements should be incorporated into planned migratio ns to avoid expensive rework later.

How does Shakespeare present love in ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’? Essay

Shakespeare uses many different themes to present love; relationships, conflict, magic, dreams and fate. Overall, he presents it as something with the ability to make us act irrationally and foolishly. Within A Midsummer Night’s Dream we see many examples of how being ‘in love’ can cause someone to change their perspective entirely. ‘The path of true love never did run smooth’ is a comment made from one of the main characters, Lysander, which sums up the play’s idea that lovers always face difficult hurdles on the path to happiness and will usually turn them into madmen. Shakespeare presents love through the relationship shared by Hermia and Lysander. This relationship, at the start of the play, is portrayed as the traditional true love; Hermia chooses to become a nun instead of marrying the man her father has chosen for her such as her bond with Lysander and intentions for him, ‘I will tield my virgin patent up Unto his lordship’, and they decide to elope, ‘Through Athens’ gates have we devis’d to steal.’ However, as the play develops our perception of their love differs, after Lysander is mistakenly put under a spell meant for Demetrius he attempts to pursue his new love, Helena, without any regard for Hermia, ‘Not Hermia but Helena I love’, he now treats Hermia as if she had always meant nothing to him, ‘Should I hurt her, strike her, kill her dead? Although I hate her, I’ll harm her not so’, the magic potion removes any positive emotions. He also presents love through the dominating relationship through the father-daughter figures shared by Egeus and Hermia within the play. In the time the play was set the father made the decision who his daughter would marry because of the patriarchal society they lived in, ‘As she is mine, I may dispose of her’, however Egeus did not chose Lysander to marry Hermia, he chose Demetrius, ‘all my right of her I do estate unto Demetrius’. Despite how they expected Hermia to obey them, she defied her father’s will and fought for the love that she and Lysander shared, this shows how she was unwilling to follow society’s expectations as love empowers people to be independent and go against social norms, however Theseus, the King of Athens, warned her: ‘if you yield not to your father’s choice, you can endure the livery of a nun’, as he must enforce the law as her father’s words are absolute and if Hermia chooses to go against them she will have to face the consequences. Other relationships that represent female power that is suppressed by male authority are the ones shared by Theseus and Hippolyta and Oberon and Titania. These two relationships share many characteristics, they both hold the title of King and Queen; Theseus and Hippolyta being the King and Queen of Athens and Oberon and Titania being the King and Queen of the Fairies but also the male dominance within the relationships. Theseus holds dominance over Hippolyta as he reminds her ‘I wooed thee with my sword’, which could lead the reader to assume that Hippolyta held some sort of authority before she was conquered by the man she is now ‘betrothed’ to. We also see how Oberon holds dominance over Titania by how he questions her ‘am not I thy lord?’ and how he speaks of her after she has denied him what he wants ‘thou shalt not from this grove Till I torment thee for this injury.’ Even though, Titania, unlike Hippolyta, retaliates to enforce her power in the relationship ‘Then I must by thy lady’ and accuses him of ‘versing love to amorous Phillida’, Oberon is very insistent that he remains control of Titania and therefore uses his loyal jester, Puck, to use magic to humiliate her as a punishment for disrespecting him. This shows how he believes that women should obey men and follow their every command; he punishes her by forcing her, by using magic, to fall in love with Bottom who, at the time, was half human, half donkey. He does this to humiliate and shame her to make her realise that she is nothing without him. Because Oberon believes that women are the inferior sex he sympathises with Helena, she is in love with Demetrius and is willing to do anything for him ‘I am your spaniel’ because that is also how she believes relationships should be, he appears to endorse this subservience, therefore he chooses to cause Demetrius to fall madly in love with her. The artificial love given by Titania to Bottom demonstrates how magic can duplicate the realist atmosphere given from true love as both of those involved are unable to recognise that it is false. True love can cloud judgement and Shakespeare shows how artificial love can do the same, Titania is convinced Bottom is beautiful even though he has the head of a donkey ‘Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful’. Bottom responds to the beautiful, magical fairy queen’s devotion as nothing out of the ordinary and that all of the trappings of her affection, including having servants attend him, are his proper due. His unawareness of the fact that his head has been transformed into that of an ass parallels his inability to perceive the absurdity of the idea that Titania could ever truly fall in love with him. However, Shakespeare uses Bottom to draw the audience’s attention to serious themes, such as the relationship between reality and imagination. He is also the most down-to-earth character in the play as he does recognise that Titania’s statements about him aren’t true, when Titania devotes her love to him ‘On the first view to say, to swear, I love thee.’, Bottoms responds with ‘Methinks, mistress, you should have little reason for that’, also when Titania states ‘Thou art as wise as thou art beautiful’ Bottom corrects her with ‘Not so, neither: but if I had wit enough to get out of this wood, I have enough to serve mine own turn’, showing that he knows love and reason don’t often work at the same level. Shakespeare also uses Bottom to remind the audience of a recurring theme in the play: whether love and reason can relate, and should love be based on reason or fantasy? Shakespeare also presents love through conflict, for example, the friendship shared by Hermia and Helena show how even best friends since youth can be turned against each other when love is involved. Shakespeare wants to show the audience the great friendship they share ‘Is all the counsel that we two have shared, The sisters’ vows, the hours that we have spent’, ‘As if our hands, our sides, voices, and minds Had been incorporate. So we grew together,’, this then allows the audience to understand how severe love can be and how their strong friendship quickly disintegrated when they became involved with the two men; their entire childhood together is forgotten in an instant as they both begin to argue, Hermia feeling cheated and thinking Helena was the one to blame ‘O me, you juggler, you canker-blossom,’ and Helena, thinking it is all a cruel trick against her ‘Lo, she is one of this confederacy. Now I perceive they have conjoined all three To fashion this false sport in spite of me. Shakespeare wanted the audience to realise how the magic within the play isn’t all to blame for the conflict as it is not the love potion which has had this effect on the women directly. Their relationship has changed completely, their friendship before the argument contrasts greatly to the hostility afterwards, all caused by a mischievous spirit. Shakespeare presents love through the fairies’ magic which creates the comedic atmosphere given throughout the play. Shakespeare shows how magic distorts true love by how easily Demetrius’ and Lysander’s hearts are manipulated by Puck’s magic potion. At the beginning of the play Shakespeare makes the effort to show the audience the strong and loyal love Hermia and Lysander devote to each other, ‘I am beloved of beauteous Hermia’ is how Lysander speaks of Hermia before the love charm is cast upon him. However after it is cast he expresses his feelings for his new true love, Helena, almost immediately, ‘Not Hermia, but Helena I love!’. When Lysander fights for Helena Shakespeare purposefully makes it almost impossible for the audience to tell the difference between the two men, as he wants them to know that all foolish young lovers are alike.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

SLP for the Coca Cola Company Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

SLP for the Coca Cola Company - Assignment Example In order to perform appropriate SLPs for a particular organization, these kinds of information are highly necessary. They include the rate and mode of pricing although very few of these companies will admit the kind of strategy that they use in their pricing. Because of this, it is vital to conduct necessary research to ensure that all the proper details are collected during SLP. From the information that is provided by the Coca cola Company, they believe that among all its competitors, they are the ones that provide the lowest prices to their customers. However, in real sense, the pricing strategy for this company is such that they depend on the cost of production and thus the overall quality of their products. This is mainly because, the major competitors of this company offer lower prices as their pricing.   This is in the effort to gain entry into a market that is already dominated by the company. In relation to the pricing of companies that offer similar products, which in thi s case are soft drinks and beverages, they all seem to set their prices depending on the quantity of the product. There appears to be no diversity in pricing when it comes to the flavor used for similar goods. This is opposed to other beverage companies that tend to set their prices depending on the type of flavoring that is used in the product. In this sense, the cost of an orange, passion, blackcurrant or cola drink is the same as long as they are all of the same quantity. There is an increase in process as the quantity of the beverage increases.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Role of Food in Understanding Chinese Culture Assignment

The Role of Food in Understanding Chinese Culture - Assignment Example Hierarchically, culture is a significant factor that divides food variability. Individuals’ with the same culture share same eating habits. As a result, they share the same food variables assemblage. Individuals belonging to distinct cultures share different food variables assemblage (Chang 1). This is a clear proof that food choices vary from culture to culture. Within similar cultures, food homogeneity is not mandatory. As a matter of fact, there exist a small range of food variable manifestations in various social situations. Individuals belonging to distinct occupations or social classes eat differently. People in mourning, on festive occasions or on routine occasions consume differently. Different eating codes are upheld by different religious sect. In various life stages, women and men eat differently. The eating differences might be as a result of taste preferences, but some are determined by an individual culture. Explaining these differences, identifying and relating them to other social life facets are of great significance. The availability of natural resources determines the food style of a culture. That is the main reason why the Chinese food is characterized by the animals and plants assemblages that have existed in their land for a long period of time. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to elucidate the role of food in understanding Chinese culture. Role of food in understanding Chinese culture Chinese cooking involves the combination of food stuffs. For example spices, meats, fruits, vegetables, legumes and starch staples. In the category of spices we have the ginger, red pepper, cinnamon and spring onion, for meats we have dog, pork, mutton, beef, chicken, goose, venison, fishes and pheasant, with fruits we have the apricot, peach, plum, apple, pear, jujube date, mountain haw, orange, litchi and longan, under vegetables we have Chinese cabbage, amaranth, malva, turnip, mushroom, radish and mustard green, legumes consists of broad bean, s oybean, mung bean and peanut and lastly starch staples comprises of rice, millet, maize, wheat, sweet potato and kao-liang. Given the fact that ingredients varies from culture to culture, Chinese foods have a local attribute due to the used ingredients. It is not efficient and effective to use ingredients for purposes of characterization; however, they can be used as a good start. With regards to food, Chinese are not that nationalistic as they do not resist imports. This is evidenced by the presence of foreign foodstuffs adoption since the beginning of history. Goats, sheep and wheat were perhaps brought into China in the prehistoric time from Western Asia, whilst many vegetables and fruits came into the country from Central Asia. Furthermore, sweet potatoes and peanuts originated from the coastal traders (Jacques 135). As a result, all these ingredients became part and parcel of Chinese food. Up to date, dairy products and milk have not occupied a place that is prominent in the Ch inese cuisine. In comparison to other food traditions, the Chinese culture of preparing food from ingredients that are raw to morsels that can be eaten involves the combination of interrelated and complex variables. Shopping for fresh fruits on daily basis is significant for all the cooking in China. Unlike the United States fast food society, live sea food, vegetables and seasonal fruits are often selected to ensure freshness. In that case, snappy crabs,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The tension between global governance and the sovereignty of the Essay

The tension between global governance and the sovereignty of the nation-state in the context of immigration - Essay Example The manner with which they should be received and treated as well as whether they should be immediately deported or given refugee status in respect to their age has sparked considerable controversy in the US. When President Obama asked for Congress to approve of $3.7 Billion budget to fund the crisis which he claims very serious, most of them were skeptical (Michael and Jeremy). They are reluctant to fund the same administration that promised to seal the Mexican border which remains porous to date. The way Obama sees it, while a humanitarian crisis, which also touches on human rights and right of children escalates in the background, congress is busy playing politics. It is evident that the president is cognizance that there is a real crisis and the American government must take action since it is taking place in their country. This issue brings to the fore numerous moral and political issues, the most predominant ones being anchored on the apparent suffering of children who are often stuck in detention centers with many of them being deported (Hill 41). The fact that the system allows children to be sent back even if they may have no family to go back to or if they are escaping violence and hunger is in contravention of everything the American republic stands for. Ultimately, the United States government must take responsibility for these children both from a moral and social political point of view. In addition, the fact that children without the aid or adults can illegally entre the United States bespeaks the lack of vigilance in boarder patrol and in a way this indirectly aids their incursion. The UN must also take some of the responsibility since they are the custodians of the human rights including children rights and the children have clearly been denied theirs both at home and in the US where they face detention and sometimes deportation

Monday, August 26, 2019

Project Management Network diagram Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Management Network diagram - Essay Example An event is defined as the starting or ending point for a group of activities and an activity is the work required to proceed from one event or point of time to another.(Kerzner, 1992). The numbers over the arrow specifies the time needed. To know the relationships between activities what job precedes a particular job, what job immediately follows this job and what jobs can run concurrently have to be listed and the time required for the completion is estimated. Based on the chronological order in which they have to be completed, the following network diagram is constructed: From the above diagram we can understand the sequence of activities and their relative importance in the completion of the project. From the information provided we can tabulate and determine the critical path of the project. The Critical path is the sequence of activities which are crucial because delays to them will delay the completion of the project as a whole(Needham, 1997). The late finish and the late finish of the activities are calculated first. The early finish is the optimistic estimate of the completion time of the specific activity and the late finish is the pessimistic estimate of the duration of the activity. The slack time is the difference between the early finish and the late finish. In other words, the slack time denotes the time duration which can be delayed without delaying the entire project. But there are some activities which have the slack time zero, which means that these activities cannot be delayed. These activities are critical for the successful complet ion of the project because they cannot be delayed. The Appendix - 1 shows the calculation slack time of the activities. The calculation shows that the critical path consists of activities, A, D, H, I, J which are crucial for the completion of the project because they do not have any slack time. b) Normal distribution curves are very useful to analyze the frequency of data. When we construct a standard normal probability distribution table, the relationship between the mean of the distribution and the random variable is established. The formula used is: Z = x - / , Where, Z = number of standard deviations from x to the mean of this distribution X = value of the random variable with which we are concerned = mean of the distribution of this random variable = standard deviation of this distribution The value obtained from using the above mentioned formula is

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Some thoughts of the article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Some thoughts of the article - Essay Example Therefore, to address these problems, government should to utilize tools for monetary and fiscal policy. Monetary policies tool entails utilization of discount rates and reserve requirements to control inflation and stabilize the economy. On the contrary, fiscal policies tool entails application of taxes as well as control of government expenditure to achieve certain economic goals (Taylor & Weerapana, 2008). On the contrary, Micro economics refers to a branch of economics that involves the study of decisions made by individuals and firms regarding the scarce resource. Whereby, in micro economics, consumers aims to maximize their utility despite having scarce resource aims to maximize their profits while at the same time minimizing their cost. However, due to limited resources, both firms and individuals experience opportunity cost. Whereby, they have to decide the best alternatives to forgo given the fact that resources are limited (Mankiw, 2011). Normally, in micro economics, the prices of goods and services are determined by market forces of supply and demand as well as government regulations. Therefore, both individuals and firms should take into consideration the issues of tax and government regulations when making their decisions (Chandra,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International Business - Essay Example When we talk about a country Comparative advantage, they are the Superior features of a country which provide it with unique benefits in global competition derived weather from national endowments or deliberate national policies. It is concept that helps answers the question all nations can gain and sustain national economic superiority. Competitive Advantage of a country’s firm is distinctive assets or competencies of a company derived from its size, assets, innovation strengths which are difficult for its competitors to duplicate or imitate. In other words the concepts tells us how a firm can gain and sustain distinctive competence vis a vis competitors. (Theories of International Trade and Investment, 2008) Single Market - European Union The European Union is a group of Western European nations working to unite the economic resources into a single economy. It is a group of 27 member states which have been united to create a political and economic community throughout Europe . The European Union imports and exports more than any one country in the world. The community’s chief trade partner is the United States. The community have special trade agreements with many other countries (European community). The main purpose behind European Union is to provide better economy to the poorer countries in Europe. It also means that trade between these countries is cheaper. Apart from this the European Union aims to promote economic and social progress and a high level of employment opportunities, thus maintaining sustainable development and a better standard of living and Gross Domestic Product of the economy. Through the establishment of economic and monetary union, they create an area without internal frontiers, which includes a single currency and it makes trade much easier. One of the reasons behind the formation of European Union was to provide a common defence phenomenon. In this way all the members will be secure in terms of defence. Through the intr oduction of the citizenship of Union, the rights and interests of the nationals are strengthened and protected (Folketinget). Internally the European Union has abolished trade barriers, experiencing a common currency and is constantly striving towards the convergence of improved living standards. In the words of Central Intelligence Agency : â€Å"The European Union faces a lot of difficulty in devising and enforcing common policies because of the differences in the per capita income among member states. Between 2004 and 2007, 12 countries were added to the European Union which are generally less advanced than the remaining 15 countries. Being a large Union, it has a couple of transnational issues.†The European Union itself has no border disputes with the neighbouring countries. But technically Estonia has no land agreements with Russia; on the other hand Slovenia disputes its land and maritime boundaries with Croatia. Similarly Spain has territorial and maritime issues with Morocco and with the UK over Gibraltar (Central Intelligence Agency). A single market is a trading bloc. It comprises of a free trading are and has common policies. There is freedom of movement where assets like land, labour, capital and enterprise are concerned. The main objective is that these factors of production are mobile. All the trade barriers, whether it be in the form of

Friday, August 23, 2019

Robin Hood Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Robin Hood Case - Assignment Example This ensures that Robin is always can always plan ahead of the Sheriff and each of the Sheriff’s moves will be reactionary. Robin Hood’s key problem is that of infinite resources within Sherwood Forest as a result of change of route by the more wealthy travellers. Following what currently is in place is not sustainable as the lack of resources including insufficient rations will continue to bite and the group will eventually disintegrate. The two characters need a new plan which will uplift their current situation and ensure that they remain true to their pursuit of justice ideals. Applying a uniform tax to all travellers as suggested by Robin Hood will work to ensure that the group loses its key support base of the farmers and the poor. Robin’s last proposition seems to make much more sense in light of the current situation. What is logical is to partner with the rich barons who have the ability and resources to sustain the Merrymen and in exchange, Robin takes up the political course to free King Richard. This is definitely a bad idea as the exercise will now target Robin’s key support base of the poor and the farmers. This is a common pitfall for even established organizations who after sometime start to take for granted their key customers. A similar scenario is replicated when Robin opts to attack his main stay of political support – the poor travellers and famers. The pros of accepting this offer includes the fact that Robin will now have more resources for the welfare of the Merrymen. Another pro emerges in the coalition that will be formed as a result of this cooperation. A working relationship between Robin and the Barons will isolate the Sheriff and Prince John. The cons include the possible loss of focus as now Robin will be forced to concentrate on two concurrent causes, one against the Sheriff and the other directed towards liberating King Richard. Association with the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

E-commerce Data Privacy & Security Literature review

E-commerce Data Privacy and Security - Literature review Example In 2001 most popular commercial website, collecting data from the customers, have clearly mentioned privacy policy statements on their websites (Schuele 2005). Moreover, some websites out of these most popular commercial sites have not published a complete privacy policy (Schuele 2005). 1.2 Emphasizing on Privacy One more study shows that online companies emphasize and focus more on online privacy policy rather than any other aspect. Even online security is considered as the second option. Moreover, the study also concluded that online customers are more worried about their privacy rather than online threats, as they are considered to be in control. In addition, the study also demonstrated a comparison between the two decades i.e. 1999-2001 and 2005-2007 which highlighted the factors that are mentioned previously (Parayitam, Desai et al. 2008). 1.3 Focusing on Customer Demands However, study concluded one interesting factor i.e. the rankings and ratings of policies created for Intern et continues to focus on demands of the web users. Moreover, consumer privacy continues to be on top in both the decades (Parayitam, Desai et al. 2008). The amplified awareness by the contributors i.e. legislators and advocates shows interest level is comparatively high. 1.4 Sugar Coating Privacy Policy Clauses It is very common for a web user seeking for a privacy policy will only able to read some pages mentioned in terms of points, applauses etc. In order to enhance customer experience with privacy policies, there must be an interactive medium via which customer can get awareness. Literature related to serious implication was also found, For instance, organizations construct the structure of sentences in a way that suits their legal rights. A study conducted by (Pollach 2007) shows that the structure of sentences in a privacy policy related to a typical online shopping website are sugarcoating data handling practices. They are foregrounding optimistic facets and at the same time back-grounding privacy incursions. 1.5 Approach From Corporate Organizations A study conducted by (Markel 2005). He concluded that corporate organizations gather personal information from their users on four core factors stated below: To provide value added services to special customers. For instance, history of customers reflects high profile of purchasing or selling products via the site. Moreover, these websites also provide forms, in order to register a customer so that he or she can access ‘only members’ portion of the website that may include special discounts and offers. Organizations also customize website contents and design according to the type of customer, in order to modify web experience. The customization is carried out as per customer’s interest that is extracted from the past history of buying and selling products. Moreover, in order to buy any product from the website, corporate organizations require shipping and billing information in order to sell the product to the web user. Corporate organization also trade customer information to third parties. This business activity is carried out to strengthen business relationships. The information can only be used for online marketing and advertisement purposes.

Journal Article on Juvenile Delinquency Essay Example for Free

Journal Article on Juvenile Delinquency Essay The study made by Kaplan and Johnson corresponds to the value of how people and corresponding social institutions perceive juvenile delinquency. In particular, it tackled the capacity of creating punishments and sanctions as an ideal norm that needs to be pursued. Such direction then fostered better means of analyzing the response of different social institutions towards these actions. Similarly, the aspect of labeling within the social model was also studied. In particular, it takes into consideration how this process corresponds to how individuals ascertain relationships and function towards functioning effectively within the specific standards established (Kaplan and Howard, p. 99). To achieve this perspective, the process of labeling was studied and determined by its capacity to promote deterrence. Similarly, careful study was also made in how a relationship may exist between the processes of social sanctions and the application of appropriate standards related to a model of deviant behavior (Kaplan and Johnson, p. 100). Through this, the study was able to establish specific patterns that allow the labeling process during deviant behavior to explain the motivation and resistance towards engagement. Such actions then help explain the manner on how people relate with social institutions and others accordingly. After careful analysis, the study then illustrated the value of utilizing labeling within the deviant behavior. Here, the principle is used to create better means of fostering distinctions between responses among individuals and social institutions (Kaplan and Johnson, p. 116). Seeing this, the idea then of labeling becomes both constructive in its capacity to motivate a change in behavior and deterrence of deviance. On the other hand, it also brings about a negative outcome that it promotes biased views and alienation among individuals who engage in such actions. Due to this, the principle then opens up greater opportunities to correlate in the process of role development and the creation of identity and behavior according to specific norms and establish specific responses due to negative social sanctions especially in the formulation of deviance. Reflecting on the article, it can be seen that the process of labeling remains to be an important component shaping perceptions among individuals concerning deviant behavior. It carries along the principle of facilitating norms and maintenance of status quo especially within different social institutions. Due to this, it both serves as deterrence for those who try to engage in such actions and hampers the relationship among peers. Such action then ensures the validity of ensuring stability among individuals and the manner they act and react to their specific environments. Similarly, the idea then of social controls provided towards deviant behavior remains to be innate in social norms. Analyzing these realities, it can be surmised that it functions towards establishing better means for people to act. By setting up these rules and standards, the manner of relationships and functions among people becomes effective and viable. Overall, the usefulness of this article revolves around its capacity to effectively understand the relationships surrounding deviance, social control, and social sanctions. It also tries to support the tenets of deviance theory by providing specific principles shaping and supplementing both its development and application of control. Such actions then increase the likelihood of establishing concrete definition and analysis. Lastly, this direction then opens up the capacity to understand the process of deviant behavior in the lens of sociology; as it tries to understand how it creates specific roles, develops relationship, and maintenance of control.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Every Child Matters Policy: Analysis

Every Child Matters Policy: Analysis Describe and discuss a specific area of policy, with particular regards to the social problems within which it was concerned, its ideological origin, its aims, its nature and its effects. For most parents, their children are loved and cherished. But sadly enough, some children are not so fortunate. Some childrens lives are dreadfully different. Instead of warmth and security of normal family life, these childrens lives are filled with risk, fear and danger. Victoria Climbie was one of these children. At the hands of those entrusted with her care, she suffered appallingly and eventually died. In this essay, the author will be discussing this issue further and why it was seen as the underlying social problem. Every child maters is a new labour government policy that was published alongside a detailed response to lord lamings report into the death of Victoria Climbie. For the purpose of this essay, The author will be looking at the Lamings report and identify the key findings of what went wrong which was the main driver for change. I will then look at what the government has done following the recommendations presented in the Laming Report. This essay will be describing the context of the Every Child Matters policy. In order to effectively do this, the author will be looking at the aim of the policy. I will also be assessing the influence of political ideology utilising theoretical framework. Finally I will be discussing the issue pertaining to the nature and implematation of Every Child Matters how the policy was implemented, and the effect of the policy. The welfare of children in the United Kingdom is one of the most important items for the government in terms of social policy. (Ellison Pierson, 1998). Every Child Matters was produced by the new labour government, Some of the influences of ideologies for change are; new labour governments focus on inequalities, parental fury and the response from lord lamings report. According to Heywood (1998), â€Å"ideology is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for some kind of organised political action. All ideologies offer an account of the existing order (usually in the form of a word view), provide the model of a desired future (a vision of the good society) and outline how political change can and should be brought about.† The Liberal ideology stands for the freedom of the individual to pursue happiness and well being at whatever costs necessary, which is also known as individualism. Broadly speaking, it emphasizes individual rights and equality of opportunity. Modern liberalism has its roots in the Age of Enlightenment. Liberalism today is located at the centre left and centre right of the ideological spectrum. Liberalism is the belief that we are free to make our own mistakes, decide our own lifestyle, choose our own way of living, pursue our own thoughts and philosophies, provided we dont infringe on other peoples freedom. Every Child Matters policy fits with the labour ideologies because it aims to give every child the chance to fulfill their potential thereby promoting equality and opportunity among children and young people. The Labour government opposed monarchism, inherited privilege and believes in everyone having equality in opportunity. These ideas emerged from the revolutionary and Enlightenment periods, where uprisings against authoritarian religious states were evolving. John Locke and John Stuart Mill were two prominent thinkers that originally legitimized these notions prior to their widespread appeal and success. It did not take long, however, for these values to flourish, especially among individuals of societies emerging from an era of distinct oppression National Service Framework (NSF) is the key conduit for the philosophies of the Every Child Matter green paper. Victoria Climbie died in February 2000, at the hands of those entrusted with her care; she suffered appallingly and eventually died. Her case was a shocking example from a list of children terribly mistreated and abused. Her carers were later convicted of murder. This was one of the cases of child abuse which have exposed the weaknesses of the UKs social services departments, and communications failures between the agencies involved. According to Blair as cited in Every Child Matters Summary(2003 p5), â€Å"The fact that a child like Victoria Climbie can still suffer almost unimaginable cruelty to the point of eventually losing her young life. More can and must be done†. The most disturbing reality about the case of Victoria Climbià © was that her death could have been prevented, she was known to several agencies empowered by Parliament to protect children. This led to the conclusion that her suffering and death was due to gross failure of the system. In April 2001 Lord Lamming was appointed head of the inquiry, along with four other professionals. It was found that her death was preventable on twelve separate occasions. Lamming found that services were not cooperating with each other and had difficulties due to staffing levels and resources. â€Å"The death of Victoria Climbie exposed shameful failing to protect the most vulnerable children. Social services, the police and the NHS failed as Lord Lamings report into Victorias death made clear, to do the basic things well to protect her† (Every Child Matters 2003 p3). The Laming report concluded that the child protection system failed as a result of a lamentable lack of basic good practice by frontline staff and, most significantly, senior managers failing to take responsibility for the failings of organisation. (Laming 2003). The inquiry was responded to by a range of measures to inform and improve childrens care. In 2003, Every Child Matters was published alongside a detailed response to Lord Lamings report into the death of Victoria Climbie. The policy aims to ensure that every child has the chance to fulfil their potential by reducing levels of educational failure, ill health, substance misuse, teenage pregnancy, neglect and abuse, anti-social behaviour and crime among children and young people. According to Lord laming, Victoria Climbe came into contact with several agencies, none of which acted on the warning signs. No one built up the full picture of her interactions with different services. The Every Child Matter green paper sets out the long term vision for earlier intervention and effective protection by focusing on improving information sharing between agencies, The Every child matters policy was built on existing plans to strengthen preventative services by focusing on four key themes. Firstly, to increase focus on supporting families and carers, the most critical influence of childrens lives, The policy aim to improve parenting and family support through universal services such as schools, health and social services, also through targeted and specialist support to parent of children requiring additional support. Another key theme is the early intervention and effective protection; this is to ensure children receive services at the first onset on problems and to prevent any children from slipping thorough the net. This is done by improving information sharing between agencies, integrating professionals through multi- disciplinary teams responsible for identifying children at risk and also ensuring effective child protection procedures are kept in place. The third key theme was addressing the underlying problems identified in the report into the death of Victoria Climbià ©; weak accountability and poor integration. According to Every Child Matters summary pg9, â€Å"Radical reforms is needed to break down organisational boundaries†. The governments aim is that there should be one person in charge locally and nationally with the responsibility for improving childrens lives. The fourth theme is the workforce reform, this is to ensure that people working with children are valued, rewarded and trained. It aims is to make working with children an attractive, high status career and to develop a more skilled and flexible workforce, including a common core of training for those who work solely with children and families and those who have wider roles to develop a more consistent approach to childrens and families needs. â€Å"One very clear message emerges from the evidence we have received: there is almost universal support for the basic aims of Every Child Matters. We agree with witnesses—and therefore think it fitting to state at the outset—that the Government deserves substantial praise for embarking on such an ambitious and comprehensive programme of reform† (The United Kingdom Parliament, 2005). Overall, the policy has been mostly welcomed by those working with children. Many dedicated staff work flat out to improve the lives and health of children. One of the intended consequences of the policy is the development of the framework for social work training. The two-year Diploma has now been replaced with a three-year degree. The degree was introduced to encompass greater practical experience and to improve the skills base and competence of newly qualified social workers. According to the Chief Executive of the General Social Care Council (GSCC), Lynne Berry, â€Å"good quality service starts with good quality training. The GSCC are working with universities to ensure that tomorrows social workers are clear about the standards they are expected to meet, inspire public confidence in social care and are able to work successfully with colleagues from other professions. The new degree will ensure that newly qualified social workers have all the skills they need to begin successfu l careers† (GSCC, 2003). According to Campbell (2007), A spokesman from the Department for Children, Schools and Families, which is responsible for child welfare, said: In response to the Victoria Climbie inquiry, we have substantially strengthened the framework of law, guidance and supporting systems to help keep children safe, and that work is continuing. Tragically we know some children still suffer abuse and neglect. Despite the universal support for the basic aims of Every Child Matters, there are still children that slip through the net. The horrific list of children killed by their parents or relatives includes ten months old Neo Craig aged who lay dead for several hours before emergency crews were called to Rush Green Gardens in Romford, Essex, in December 2006. James Craig, 26, and Sharma Dookhooah, 25, were each jailed for five years after admitting causing or allowing the death of their 10-month-old son Neo. The Old Bailey trial heard that there had been a series of failings by police, doctors and social workers who knew about the boys derelict home life but did not intervene, despite a number of warnings†. In May 2007, one -month- old Luigi Askew was beaten to death by his violent father. Social workers and police were accused of disastrous failures after he was left at the mercy of his violent father Duncan Mills, who was convicted of murder at Ipswich crown court. Slack and Doughty (2008) reported that, â€Å"one child a week is a victim of murder or manslaughter, in a single year, the number of under-tens killed went up 30 per cent form 38 to 49, according to latest government figure†. The figure from the year to 2006- 2007, the latest available, emerged as the mother of Victoria Climbie, who was murdered in 2000, said she was shocked that lessons from the case have still not been learned. According to the report, â€Å"Apparent or disguised cooperation from parents often prevented or delayed understanding of the severity of harm to the child and cases drifted†. Social workers were often conned by parents thereby, children went unseen and unheard. According to the Palmer (2007), â€Å"the overall poverty levels in 2005/06 were the same as they were in 2002/03. Child poverty in 2005/06 was still 500,000 higher than the target set for 2004/05†. In conclusion, Victoria Climbies death was seen as a ‘wake up call for practitioners and professionals who are supposed to be safeguarding and protecting childrens welfare. Every Child Matters constituted the Governments policy response to the findings and recommendations of Lord Lamings Inquiry. Reference: Campbell, D. (2007) Health Correspondent, Doctors ‘failing to spot child abuse. The Observer, Nov 11, p.18. Ellison, N. Pierson, C. (1998) British Social Policy. Macmillan: London Every Child Matters Summary (2003) Department Of Health, London, The Stationary Office Ltd General Social Care Council (25/09/03), First students start new social work degree [online] Available at: start+new+social+work+degree.htm> [Accessed: 10/05/08] Laming, H (2003), Victoria Climbià © Inquiry, London: Stationery Office Heywood, A. (1998) Political Ideologies an Introduction, 2nd edition, London: The Macmillan Press Ltd. Palmer, G, MacInnes, T. and Kenway, P. (2007) monitoring poverty and social exclusion 2007. Joseph Rowntree foundation: York Department of Health, Department for Education and Skills, and Home Office (2003) Keeping Children safe. The Governments Response to the Victoria Climbià © Inquiry Report and Joint Chief Inspectors Report Safeguarding Children [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 May 2008] Slack, J. and Doughty, S. (2008) one child under 10 every week becomes the victim of a killer. Daily Mail, May 29, p.19. The United Kingdom Parliament. (2005), House of Commons, Education and Skills Ninth Report [online] Available from: .Accessed: [29 May 2008]

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The issues facing corporate social responsibility

The issues facing corporate social responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility is a universal concept that represents the good, desirable business behaviour. It transmit to what extent it is judge morally or ethically good for CSR. Corporate Social Responsibility is a standard of corporate behaviour which is socially broad in its behaviour(Carroll,1999).Corporate Social Responsibility is also define as the company`s Voluntary/discretionary relationship with its societal and community stakeholders(Woddock,2004).In other words Corporate Social Responsibility is a commitment to improve social well being through proper judgment of business practices and contribution of corporate resources(Nanc Lee and Philip Kotler, 2005). Introduction: Its is a concept where organisations consider the interests of the society by having the knowledge and responsibility of the force of their activities on customers, employees, shareholders, communities and the environment in all aspects of their operations(D Wood, 1991). This requirement is seen to extend beyond the legal responsibility to comply with legislation and sees organizations freely taking more steps to enhance the quality of life for their employees and their families on the other side they are also doing community and society work in large scale. Growth and Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility : Business ethics is that form of Applied ethics that examines the ethical progress and principles of any business that can arise unfortunately in a business. In this 21st century businesses are getting more and more advance as by adapting the Corporate Social Responsibility in their business and its is increasing day by day hence providing more ethical businesses processes. All together, more force is applied on industries for bringing improvement in there business ethics through there new public laws (e.g Higher road tax for vehicles that produces higher-emission on roads). Business ethics has both normative and descriptive effect. As a commercial practice and a career specialization, the field is primarily normative. In academia descriptive approaches are also taken. The Business progress and work done shows range and quantity of business ethical issues describes the ways in which business is professed to be at non positive value with non-economic social principles. For Example : Now a days a lot of commercial and non commercial websites rely on commitment for promoting non-economical social principles under the range of headings like ethics codes, social responsibility charters. In some cases organisation and corporations again consider there main values and principles in the view of business ethical considerations. e.g BP`s beyond petroleum environment angle.Corporations reconsider their core values in view of business ethical considerations like BPs beyond petroleum environmental angle. Corporate Social Responsibility become common in 1970s but is was really condensed. Marks Spencer is also using Corporate Social Responsibility in the community with the help of building a trade network with the community by providing sold fair pricing in purchases. Corporate Social Responsibility Risk in Implementing : Risk management is the main element of any business that involves risk strategies. Reputations that take years to build up can be washed out in hours through activities such as fraud scandals activities. These occurrences can also draw unwanted attention from governments, courts etc. Developing a pure culture of doing the correct thing at the right time in the corporation can limit these risks. Difference Between Brand : In fully jam-packed marketplaces companies do there best for a unique selling objective which separate them from competitive minds. Corporate Social Responsibility can play a vital role in developing consumer satisfaction based on their ethical values( Paluszek, John (April 6-7,2005). Some big brands like The Body Shop and American Apparel (Dr. Tantillo`s Marketing Doctor Blog, March 28 2008) have build on ethical values. Service organisations can also take benefit from developing there reputation for there honour and best practice, so all the businesses have to have responsible for their environment. Corporate Social Responsibility Effects Negative Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) or commercial citizenship entails companies behaving in a socially liable manner, and dealing with other business corporation which also do the same . As the public sector and businesses are getting aware of Corporate Social Responsibility CSR, they take care of taking corporate social responsibility into consideration when planning for future out comes to become a socially responsible, otherwise the business has to face wrong feedback in the shape of company getting effected . Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Public : Companies that are appeared to be socially responsible by showing environment saving or environmental sustainability on the same side doing immoral , illegal socially irresponsible activity in a terrific message for the stake holders and the consumers and investors. This type of activity effect the credibility and image of the company and damage its image in the market. Bad Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) or commercial citizenship entails companies behaving in a socially liable manner, and dealing with other business corporation which also do the same . As the public sector and businesses are getting aware of Corporate Social Responsibility, they take care of taking corporate social responsibility into consideration when planning for future out comes to become a socially responsible, otherwise the business has to face wrong feedback in the shape of company getting effected . Negative Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Publicity : Companies that are appeared to be socially responsible by showing environment saving or environmental sustainability on the same side doing immoral , illegal socially irresponsible activity in a terrific message for the stake holders and the consumers and investors. This type of activity effect the credibility and image of the company and damage its image in the market. For Example: Bad implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility can ruin the image of the company like Enron the Texan energy company. Its a natural gas company, in the year 2001 it got collapsed under a huge debt as at previously it was the largest accounting firm. Enron was the best at corporate patronage and has given in millions in charity to different charity organizations and also won awards for its corporate social responsibility work, but in year 2001 Enron got collapsed miserably because of bad debt and the main person responsible for this cause who made this giant fraud was Jeffrey Skilling and he got jailed for 24 years for this .The articles about Enron stated the backlash for its activity(Adam Lashinsky, New York Times, November 2001). Legal Troubles Lead by Bad Corporate Social Responsibility: Companies and businesses that are involve in wrong irresponsible social activities also pay a high price for its activities. The best example for this is the Exxon Valdez tanker incident in Prince William Sound, near the coast of Alaska on March 24 1989 is the most memorable incident in corporate social responsibility, as this incident had created a bad image of the company by spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil in Prince William Sound and damaging the wildlife and fishing industry as a result Exxon Valdez has to pay $4.84 billion for clearing them selves from this Scandal( National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA, March 24 1989) Long Term Effects of Wrong CSR on Brand and Its Reputation Building a brand is a long term effort which takes years to build up but by a single mistake done my wrong corporate social responsibility strategy can ruin companies reputation its image, it can never be able to shake off the ill effects bad corporate social responsibility that has on the brand and reputation. The report developed on corporate social responsibility by Tsinghua University indicates that in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) describes that after taking interviews form 68% of the consumers said that they will not buy products of those companies who has bad corporate social responsibility performance. This practice is also same in automotive companies with 62.9% of costumers saying that they will not buy automobiles from companies with bad CSR performance(Tsinghua University). As there is a relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility performance in the eyes of consumers and the effect it has on the strength of a company`s brand that it will do little good to the company then, to hurt its already build brand with poor choice in corporate social responsibility Risk in implementing Corporate Social Responsibility : Managing risk is the main part of many corporate strategies. Reputations that take decades to build up can be cleaned out in hours through incidents such as corruption scandals or environmental activities. These occurrences can also draw unwanted attention from regulators, governments, courts etc. Building a genuine culture of doing the right thing within a corporation can offset these risks(Kytle Beth, Paramveer Singh, 2005, Corporate Social Responsibility as Risk Management A Model for Multinationals). Corporate Social Responsibility from a Business Point of view : Its is very obvious that in Businesses that are running today have Corporate Social Responsibility is tangled in many multinational organizations planning process. The reasons that work behind social responsibility towards human environmental responsibilities is still unknown as weather they are based on genuine interest or on hidden motives. Organizations are basically entities that are developing and manufacturing products to make profits to gratify there shareholders (Prof Malloy 1959). As Milton Friedman believes, there is no place for Social responsibility as a business function. However a business still comprises people those posses both the humanistic and naturalistic view points. The humanistic view is that a deteriorating environment and planet is of no relevance in sustaining human life let alone a business. The naturalistic view is where we draw the line between exploiting our natural resources and destroying our fauna and flora for the sake of profiteering and sustainability (Grace and Cohen 2005,144). The need to create an ideal scenario that is praetor efficient may be the main reasons such mediators are there to adjudicate. Influence from the population, government and competitors are possible forces that can destabilize an organization should its motives or unethical processes become clear. Legal structures in place, are created to ensure international borders are not left exposed to multimillion dollar organizations self interest. Stringent laws and penalties are governed by legal bodies such as the International Court of Justice that are capable of sanctioning non abiding organizations (ICJ 2007). CSR has been an issue of some debate. There are some people who claim that Corporate Social Responsibility cherry-picks the good activities a company is involved with and ignores the others, thus greenwashing their image as a socially or environmentally responsible company. There are some other people who argue that it inhibits free markets. Borderline Organization Motive : CSR will attribute other business motives, which the companies would dispute. For example, some believe that CSR programmes are often undertaken in an effort to distract the public from the ethical questions posed by their core operations. Some that have been accused of this motivation include British American Tobacco (BAT),(Friends of the Earth, 2005) which produces major CSR reports and the petroleum giant BP which is well known for its high achievements in advertising profile advertising promotion on environmental awareness as part of it operations. Opponent who believe that CSR is self interested: The dispute is that the reason corporations put in place social projects is for the commercial benefit they see in raising their reputation with the public or with government. They suggest a number of reasons why self-interested corporations, solely seeking to maximize profits are unable to advance the interests of society as a whole. They would point to examples where companies have spent a lot of time promoting CSR policies and commitment to Sustainable Development on the one hand, whilst damaging revelations about business practices emerge on the other. For example the McDonalds Corporation has been criticized by CSR campaigners for unethical business practices, and was the subject of a decision by Justice Roger Bell in the McLibel case (which upheld some of these claims, regarding mistreatment of workers, misleading advertising, and unnecessary cruelty to animals). Similarly Shell has a much publicized CSR policy and was a pioneer in triple bottom line reporting, but was involved in 2004(Shell, 2004) in a scandal over the misreporting of its oil reserves which seriously damaged its reputation and led to charges of hypocrisy. Since this has happened the Shell Foundation has become involved in many projects across the world, including a partnership with Marks and Spencer (UK) in three flower and fruit growing communities across Africa. These arguments usually suggest that stronger governments and international laws rather than intentional measures are necessary to ensure that companies behave in a socially responsible manner. Other views from this perspective include: Corporations really care little for the welfare of workers or the environment, and given the opportunity will move production to sweatshops in less well regulated countries. Companies do not pay the full costs of their impact. For example the costs of cleaning pollution often fall on society in general. As a result profits of corporations are enhanced at the expense of social or ecological welfare. Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility: Social responsibility of a business refers to what the business does, over and above the statutory requirement, for the benefit of the society. The term corporate citizenship is also commonly used to refer to the moral obligations of the business to the society. This implies that just as individuals, corporates are also integral part of the society and their behaviour shall be guided by certain social norms. The operations of business enterprises affect a wide spectrum. The resources they make use of are limited to those of the proprietors and the impact of their operations is felt also by many a people who are in no way connected with the enterprise. Benefit of Corporate Social Responsibility in Businesses: If the corporation or business want to be socially responsible it is not necessary that good business tactics make the business good in its practices. CSR has some effects that directly relates to economics of the company, they are customers, public relations, shareholders and employees. If it is applied into the business plan, Corporate Social Responsibility has some benefit which relates to companies. Getting the right to operate by stakeholders: Some industries like mining industries requires a licence to operate because of some allegations of environmental factors that are to be get by certain authorities and as well as from the community, because there operation can effect the community near by .If this requirement is not fulfilled then they have to face some concequences in operating the industry. Brand value and its reputation: Business values are important company`s social, ethical and environmental performance because of its globalization, mobility and advancement in customers and suppliers ideas in the competitive market, to develop themselves to compete with the competitors, by keeping in mind that Brand name is also growing and getting importance, as the main worth of any company is its brand name . Enhanced efficiency in Operations: Corporate Social Responsibility plays a vital role in corporate sector with result in enhancing the efficiency in the operations of the company, e.g improving the efficiency in energy and natural resources, reducing the waste like proper handling of waste materials. Better recruitment improves the business and its life style, that will result in less absentees from office and increase the employees performance which result in company`s saving for example companies that provide relaxing and free from stress environment to its employees will result in employee performance enhancement and increase in production line. There is a study conducted by some of the large employers (Medstat Group, American Productivity and quality Center, 2009) got and idea that if health services can be provided to employees of the company then their productivity and efficiency will increase towards that company and will decrease the amount employees getting absentees from work and production. Customer Satisfaction and Sales: A research was done on corporate social responsibility regarding sale and customer satisfaction done by Millennium Poll(Millennium Poll, Dec 1999)that it interviewed approx 25000 people from near 23 countries which want to contribute to the society rather than only making profits by business have to first impress in need and wants of the customers by giving them quality, price, taste, and appearance and availability of their required product or services. To Attract and Preserve the quality of Employees performance: A research done by a UK consulting firm Stanton Marris (Stanton Marris, research) from top most employees of 24 well known companies shows that employers status and reputation is very important when an individual accepts a job offer, and nearly six percent of employees suggest that company`s commitment is more important while looking for job in any field as a skill worker these are the essential part of job search. Market and product development with corporate social responsibility: Cooperation with the help of local communities coutures products and services in the local markets. Like IBM Cooperation its a giant in its field, I had partnership with the community which produced six new products for the market and got nearly 15 applications for patent in year 2000(IBM Corporation, 2000). CSR as a conflict between Shareholders: In Corporate social Responsibility there are two type of share holders one is insiders who are connected with the firm and completely rely on firm`s conditions and the other type of share holders are institutions or small investors which are not connected or rely on any other party. Affiliated owners are those who`s identity and reputation is related and linked with the firm, while on the other hand non affiliated owners are those who hold the shares of the firm but their holding did not effect the portfolio and also not to the firm. If the benefits are considered then insiders affiliated shareholders gain a great benefit from the firm high corporate social responsibility, they bear the cost from being associated with for and shown to be irresponsible. Insider group consist of two major subgroups that are managers and non managers. It is very difficult to understand that which group will gain more by having socially responsible firm, but it is said that both the insider groups care for the firms rating and performance. For example, consider the following three individuals: Steven Jobs, the CEO of Apple Computer, Warren Buffet, a large blockholder and a director of The Coca-Cola Company, and Roy Disney, a director of The Walt Disney Company. We argue first that all three of these individuals (Jobs = a manager; Buffet and Disney =non-managers) are strongly affiliated with their corresponding firm, and further, that these individuals should gain from the fact that their firms have a high CSR rating more than a 5 diversified shareholder such as Fidelity, whose reputation is not affected by the social rating of one single firm in its portfolio. In what follows, we explore how this potential conflict may be affected by different attributes of the firm, namely, a firms ownership and capital structure. In addition, we discuss how free cash flow and other governance issues may affect the conflict. Corporate Social Responsibility Examples: BG INDIA LTD Natural gas is becoming the fuel of choice in a world increasingly concerned with the environmental impact of its energy consumption and India is no exception. Demand for natural gas in India is expected to more than double over the next two decades, rising to 13,700 million standard cubic feet per day (mmscfd) by 2025 With its natural gas industry expertise, BG India is well placed to make a significant contribution to the countrys future energy needs. 1995: Formation of Mahanagar Gas Ltd: joint venture with the Gas Authority of India Ltd (GAIL) 1997 : BG acquires majority interest in Gujarat Gas Company Limited 2000 : GGCL commissions 73 km Hazira-Ankleshwar transmission pipeline 2002 : BG acquires 30% interest in Panna, Mukta and Tapti fields BG Indias exploration and production assets include a 30 per cent interest in the Taptigas field and the Panna/Mukta oil and gas fields. Significant investment is planned forfurther development in the fields. BG India has a 65.12 per cent controlling stake in Gujarat Gas Company Limited, which supplies natural gas to the cities of Ankleshwar, Bharuch and Surat in south Gujarat. BGIndia also has a 49.75 per cent stake in Mahanagar Gas Limited, which is developing anatural gas distribution system in Mumbai. Both companies deliver piped natural gas todomestic, commercial and industrial customers as well as compressed natural gas (CNG)for natural gas vehicles. BG India is part of BG Group, a leading international energy company that has expertise across the spectrum of the natural gas chain. India is one of BG Groups six core geographic areas of operation. BG India is responsible for managing and developing the upstream and downstream interests of the Group in the country. BG India has been patron of St Teresas Special School, Santa Cruz, which is for differently challenged children. The company provides support for training materials. According to the information provided by the administration people at St Teresas Special School, BG India provided financial support to the school once and that was almost two years ago. Since then, there has been no contact regarding this subject on their part. When asked about the policies to approach the company for donations and other voluntary forms of support, the staff member informed us that the company delays the matter for a couple of months every time they do so. The company claims that Corporate Responsibility (CR) remains a top priority at BG India, based on a recognition that the company has a duty to act responsibly both towards its employees and the wider community in which it operates. BG India mainly contributes to society in several ways: delivering gas to markets; providing energy and infrastructure to support development; creating and sustaining jobs in local economies; and through taxes and duties paid. These benefits are enhanced by the companys CR strategy, which not only ensures that it behaves in a socially responsible manner, but also makes a positive and meaningful contribution to community development. Tata Tea Tata Tea has launched a unique Presently Tata Tea is running its campaign on motivating Indians to vote in elections. It has launched a website to help voters in registering them into voter list Dr. Reddys Foundation This foundation is Founded by Dr. K Anji Reddy in 1996 and it is involved in promoting PPP models connecting life, learning and livelihood and it defines the real causes of poverty improvement. It helps to empower people to support there livelihoods and responding to the society.Dr. Reddys is one pharmaceutical company that has evolved from a social initiation backdrop into a corporate giant. CSR rating agency Karmayoga states that Dr. Reddys Lupin Laboratories are the only two pharmaceutical companies that are making genuine efforts for the society. The company continuously tries to meet societys expectations by developing innovative medicines that enable people to live longer and healthier lives . To facilitate policy development, implementation and communication, a cross-functional team was established at the beginning of 2002 to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach. The team is made up of representatives from the key business areas who ensure that policies are in place and mechanisms exist for their implementation and monitoring. They also contribute to reporting progress through this report and in other ways, for example through conference presentations and on companys website. CONCLUSION A business with fewer stakeholders to satisfy, their greatest concern appears to be their customers and their own ability to satisfy the demand for products effectively. Businesses are demonstrating that well managed corporate responsibility actually supports business objectives, especially amongst large corporate where improved compliance, reputation and relationships has been shown to increase shareholder value and profitability. For privately held businesses, the pressure to act can stem from the demands of the supply chain, with large multinationals increasingly demanding that suppliers conform to ethical business practices.Incorporating corporate responsibility into a businesss core strategy can also enhance its attractiveness as an employer.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Encomium of Jimmy Carter :: essays research papers

There is an old Latin saying that reads, â€Å"Dimidum facti qui coepit habet sapere aude† (He who has begun has half done. Have the courage to be wise.). For proof of this, you need look no further than to our thirty-ninth president James Earl Carter Jr., more fondly known as Jimmy Carter. During his presidency, Pres. Carter showed himself prudent and often made the wise decision over the popular vote. Jimmy Carter aspired to make government competent and compassionate and his achievements were notable.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pres. Carter was probably instilled with the gift of prudence because of his upbringing. Born on October 1, 1924, right in the middle of the depression, Pres. Carter had to help his family with the peanut farming. However, he knew that peanut farming was the not the right career choice for him. Talk of politics and devotion to the Baptist faith were also mainstays of his upbringing. Starting out slowly, Pres. Carter entered politics in 1962 and eight years later ran for the Governor of Georgia and was elected. President Carter began his two-year campaign for President in December 1974. Campaigning hard against President Gerald R. Ford, he debated him three times. Jimmy Carter won the election by 297 electoral votes to 241 for Ford.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now, we could point out a number of prudent decisions Jimmy Carter made for our country. He dealt with the energy shortage, he prompted Government efficiency through civil service reform, he sought to improve the environment, and created the Department of Education. The biggest challenge Pres. Carter faced during his time in office, and the one where his virtue of prudence shined, was with Iran. On November 4, 1979, Iranian militants stormed the United States Embassy in Tehran and took approximately fifty-two Americans captive. The terrorist act triggered the most profound crisis of the Carter presidency and began a personal ordeal for Jimmy Carter and the American people that lasted 444 days. President Carter committed himself to the safe return of the hostages while protecting America’s interests and prestige. He pursued a policy of restraint that put a higher value on the lives of the hostages over protecting his own political future. Ultimately, his cho ice to bring them home, ended in his defeat.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essays --

Description of Technology and Associated Science When considering technology and its history, defining technology is crucial. According to David Banta from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands, technology can be described as â€Å"science or knowledge applied to a specific purpose.† An even more advanced, specific definition would be â€Å"a broad concept that deals with use and knowledge of tools and crafts and how its use affects the ability to control and adapt to the social and physical environment.† Technology consists not only of material objects, but also of systems, methods of organization, and techniques. Technology can involve specific areas like: electricity, computers, cellphones, etc. or more broad areas like: construction technology, health technology, business technology, etc. (Banta, 2009). Technology can be broken down further into five specific categories. Tangible technology pertains to physical things like blueprints, models, prototypes, etc. The second category is intangible technology, referring to problem solving and training methods. The third category, High technology, focuses on completely automated technology or intelligent technology. Artificial Intelligence is one example of this. The intermediate category includes somewhat intelligent technology. Finally, low technology involves a lot of labor and the rare use of intelligent tools. Simple farming tools like a hoe and rake would fit in the category of low level technology. Every invention in history was designed for a specific purpose in order to meet a specific need of the society in which it was created. In the midst of the industrial revolution, for example, people were restricted by daylight hours and unable to work after dark. After the inv... ...hungho Com Net Co., Ltd. begins developing Teller Machines for banks. 1994: ICL, the IT services company, has designed the first  cash dispenser  (CD) with a bill paying facility.   Over the years there has been a big controversy on who actually invented the ATM first. The reason for this is because so many people had the idea over the years and inventors created similar machines around the same time. Here are some of the ideas of who actually created the ATM first: Luther George Simjian developed the idea in 1939, but he couldn't make a commercial success out of it. James Goodfellow of Scottland holds a patent from 1966 for a full service ATM. There is also John Shepherd-Barron's machine from Barclay's Bank in London in 1967. Finally there is the more modern ATM from 1968 created by Don Witzel and his colleagues. (Automatic teller machine ATM. n.d.)

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Planning: A Key Factor in the Success of a Business

Planning is a key factor in the success of any business, and conversely, the failure to plan adequately is one of the fastest routes to business failure. There are many considerations that an entrepreneur must decide such as: type of business, legal structure, permits and licenses, market planning, business plan, location, organization management planning, business telephone line, mission statement, and a business checking account. There are many sources of information to help to start a business in an organized way, such as a business plan from the office of Economic Development & Planning located in the County Office Building, or books in that can be found in any library. The first decision that the entrepreneur must make is what type of business he/she wants to start. The decision should be based on the amount of knowledge and skill that they have in the field that they are considering. The better that they know the industry, the stronger there likelihood they will have a successful business, and the better base they will have for the rest of the decisions that will have to be made in the time to come. The next important decision in the business planning process is the legal structure of the company. The three legal structures are Sole-proprietorship, Partnership and a Corporation. Each one of these legal structures has its advantages and disadvantages. The different aspects that each legal structure differs are: management control, capital, liability, income taxes, business continuity, and government regulations. The understanding of these different issues is crucial to the decision of which structure is the best one for the entrepreneurs business. Be sure to consult an attorney before making this decision. In a sole-proprietorship, the owner retains total control of all the decisions that need to be made. The ability to raise capital is limited by the financial resources and the credit worthiness of the individual owner. The owner has the ultimate liability for all the actions and debts of the business. A sole-proprietorship is not a separate taxable entity. The individual owner reports business revenue, expenses and net income (or loss) on his/her individual tax return (form 1040). The business ends with death of owner unless previously sold or transferred. The government has very limited regulations, and few records are legally required. A D.B.A. (Doing Business As) form is available at most office supply stores or at a County Department of Economic Development office, which also requires a small fee. Completed form with notarized signatures must be filed with the County Clerk†s Office. In a partnership, the control is shared by the partners in accordance with the partnership agreement. If there are two partner†s the agreement does not have to be fifty-fifty. It can be what ever the two decide on in the beginning. The ability to raise capital is expanded somewhat as partners are able to pool their respective financial resources. Both partners have joint and several liabilities for actions and debts of partnership. The partnership is not a separate taxable entity. An information return (form 1065) must be filled out each year to report partnership activity; however, individual partners report their respective shares of income (or loss) personally. The business ends with death of a partner unless written partnership agreement contains transfer conditions. The government has limited regulation and few records are required. They should have a partnership agreement, which is available at most office supply stores or at the local County Department of Economic Development office. Completed form with all signatures notarized must be filed with the County Clerk†s Office. It is advisable to consult a lawyer about a partnership agreement before filing the certificate. With a corporation, the day-to-day control rests with the hired management team. Ultimately control is vested with the Board of Directors who are influenced through the voting process by the shareholders. The ability to raise capital is potentially greatly expanded because additional shares of stock may be sold. The liability of the individual shareholders for actions and debts of the Corporation is limited to their equity investment. A C Corporation is a separate taxable entity (form 1120 is required to be filled out). An S Corporation is taxed essentially like a partnership. An information return (form 1120s) must be filled out. The business has a perpetual life distinct from that of its owners. The shares of stock are freely transferable. The government treats a Corporation as a separate legal and taxable entity, and extensive record-keeping is required. There are also complex operating regulations to follow (which differ from state to state). Forms to incorporate are available at any office supply store and should be filed with the Secretary of State in Albany (518-474-6200) if planned start up is in New York State. Licenses and permits are grants of authority from the Federal, State and local political subdivisions to individuals, corporations or partnerships to carry on certain activities. Licenses often involve the payment of fees and proof of qualification by examination. Legally, it is up to you (the business owner) to know if your business requires licensing. Before you start a project, carefully research the applicable state and local laws. For local licenses and permits contact the village/town hall and the county office for local requirements. If you plan to operate a business in your own home, check to make sure you are not in violation of local zoning ordinances. For a construction company the owner or contractor will need to have specific permits and licenses for each job. A call to the County Clerk†s office gets you started with local government. Depending on your plans, you may also need to check with your local planning board, zoning board and building inspector. For construction jobs it is advisable that you check with the DOT regional office in the area of the project to determine if any permits may be necessary for your particular job. There are many occupations in which various governmental agencies and privately owned businesses require the worker to have a license before he/she can work on the project. Each year there will be fewer trades people, contractors, ect., that will need to be licensed. In the years to come it must be expected that all contractors, trades persons, etc. will be required to be licensed by government authority. The majority of cities in the United States require the trades people to be licensed to conduct their business. As the business owner and the employer it is your responsibility to determine if a licensed operator is required for the job. If a license is required you must assure that only a properly licensed person performs the job. The failure to make sure that the employee has the correct license for the job can result in severe penalties and possible imprisonment. It is generally required that in larger cities workers such as carpenters, plumbers, welders, truck drivers, crane operators, heavy equipment operators, masons, steel erectors, laborers, etc., all have the proper licenses. Some licenses are state issued and are required in order to work any place in the state (crane operators, truck drivers, etc.).

Friday, August 16, 2019

Mrt Jakarta

The Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit System is an ongoing transportation infrastructure project in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. It consists of a partially elevated and partially underground railway system. Construction of the first phase of the project is expected to start in 2013 and is planned to be operational in 2016. [1] Contents [hide] 1 Background of the project 2 Lines 2. 1 North-South corridor 2. 1. 1 Phase I 2. 2 East-West corridor 3 Project Progress 4 PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta 5 References 6 External links [edit]Background of the projectJakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It is an urban metropolis with over 8 million inhabitants. It is predicted that over four million residents of the surrounding Jabodetabek area commute in and out of the city each working day. Transport issues have increasingly begun to attract political attention and it has been estimated that in 2020 without a major transportation breakthrough traffic jams will overwhelm the city. Since 1 980 more than twenty-five general and special subject studies have been conducted related to possible Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) systems in Jakarta.One of the major reasons for the delays in tackling the problem was the economic crisis of 1997-98. Before the crisis a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) scheme was considered as part of a new MRT calling for private sector involvement. After the crisis, the plan to rely on a BOT to provide financing proved infeasible and the MRT project was again proposed as a government-funded scheme. Current public transportation in Jakarta mainly consists of various types of buses, starting from the very small bemo and pickup sized mikrolet, to slightly larger minbuses and full sized city buses.There are also both two and four wheeled taxis. Current transport systems include widely used MetroMini and Kopaja cheap minibuses, and the TransJakarta bus rapid transit system, and the Jabodetabek Commuter Railway. [edit]Lines The rail-based Jakarta MRT is expected to stretch across over 108 kilometres, including 21. 7 km for the North-South Corridor (From Lebak Bulus to Kampung Bandan) and 87 km for East-West Corridor(From Balaraja to Cikarang). [2] [edit]North-South corridor The North-South corridor will be built in two phases. Phase I, will be constructed in advance connects Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI along 15. km including 13 stations (7 elevated stations and 6 underground stations). The Indonesian ministry of Transport approved this plan in September 2010 and invited tenders and will be built at April 2012. [3] Phase II, will extend the North-South line from Bundaran HI to Kampung Bandan (7 underground stations and 1 ground-level station), targeted to operate in 2018 (accelerated from 2020 as the original plan[4]). [5] After completion of MRT Phase I and II, together with TransJakarta will serve 60 percent total trips made by Jakartans. edit]Phase I The first phase is 15. 7 kilometres (9. 8 mi) long from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI. The c onstruction project will begin in June 2011 and is expected to be completed in 2016 to serve 212,000 passengers per day. This expected capacity may be maxed out to 960,000 per day. The 15. 7 kilometers span expected to be covered in under 30 minutes. [6] Elevated stations Lebak Bulus Fatmawati Cipete Haji Nawi Blok A Blok M Sisingamangaraja Underground stations Al-Azhar mosque Senayan Bendungan Hilir SetiabudiDukuh Atas (Interchange Station with Jakarta Commuter Line) Bundaran H. I [edit]East-West corridor This corridor is currently in pre-feasibility study phase. The line is targeted to operate in 2027. [edit]Project Progress Progress of the first phase was funded through a loan by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), now merged into the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The loan number IP is 536 (signed November 2006) for engineering services. The engineering services loan is a pre-construction loan to prepare the construction phase.It consists of: Bas ic Design package, managed by the DGR (Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transport) Management and Operation package, managed by the Bappeda (Jakarta Regional Planning Board) Construction assistance in tender, managed by the PT MRT Jakarta On March 31, 2009, Loan Agreement 2 (LA2) for the amount of 48,150 billion Yen to build the Jakarta MRT System was signed by the Indonesian Government (represented by the Indonesian Ambassador for Japan) and JICA in Tokyo, Japan. [7] This loan is to be forwarded from the National Government to the Jakarta City Administration as a grant (on-granting agreement). 8] After the signing of the granting agreement for LA2, city administration will propose another two loan agreements for LA3 and LA4 to the central government. These proposals will become a lending agreement for the local government. The total amount of LA3 and LA4 addressed as a loan by the local government is about 71867 billion yen. This amount is based on the progress, outcome and absorbance of LA2. The total loan package from JICA for the development of the Jakarta MRT system is worth a total of 120 billion yen.Work on the basic design for the first phase of the current version of the project began in late 2010. The tender process was underway in late 2012 when the new governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo, unexpectedly said that he wanted a review of the project. After several months of uncertainty governor Joko Widodo announced that the project would go ahead. He listed it as one of the priority projects in the Jakarta city budget for 2013. [9] Physical construction is expected to begin in 2013[10] and the line is expected to be operational by 2017. [edit]PT Mass Rapid Transit JakartaPT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (PT MRTJ) is a limited liability (Perseroan Terbatas) company founded by the Jakarta Provincial Government. Its establishment was approved by the provincial parliament (DPRD) on 10 June 2008 and final establishment was by notary act on 17 June 200 8. Its purpose is to operate the Jakarta MRT System. The shares are made up from 99% Jakarta Provincial Government and 1% PT Pasar Jaya (another Jakarta Reginal-Government-Owned-Company). PT MRTJ is classed as a Regional-Government-Owned-Company (Badan Usaha Milik Daerah-BUMD).The BUMD form for PT MRTJ is designed not to create profits for the shareholders, but instead to create flexibility in accessing alternative financing, which would otherwise be impossible if the company was directly part of the government. With this, the cost of tickets sold to clients will be reduced with some of the operational cost being subsidised by other sources. The BUMD form also ensures transparency and accountability through the shareholders' General Meeting, Decision Making and Reporting System which will be publicly available. Mrt Jakarta The Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit System is an ongoing transportation infrastructure project in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. It consists of a partially elevated and partially underground railway system. Construction of the first phase of the project is expected to start in 2013 and is planned to be operational in 2016. [1] Contents [hide] 1 Background of the project 2 Lines 2. 1 North-South corridor 2. 1. 1 Phase I 2. 2 East-West corridor 3 Project Progress 4 PT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta 5 References 6 External links [edit]Background of the projectJakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. It is an urban metropolis with over 8 million inhabitants. It is predicted that over four million residents of the surrounding Jabodetabek area commute in and out of the city each working day. Transport issues have increasingly begun to attract political attention and it has been estimated that in 2020 without a major transportation breakthrough traffic jams will overwhelm the city. Since 1 980 more than twenty-five general and special subject studies have been conducted related to possible Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) systems in Jakarta.One of the major reasons for the delays in tackling the problem was the economic crisis of 1997-98. Before the crisis a Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) scheme was considered as part of a new MRT calling for private sector involvement. After the crisis, the plan to rely on a BOT to provide financing proved infeasible and the MRT project was again proposed as a government-funded scheme. Current public transportation in Jakarta mainly consists of various types of buses, starting from the very small bemo and pickup sized mikrolet, to slightly larger minbuses and full sized city buses.There are also both two and four wheeled taxis. Current transport systems include widely used MetroMini and Kopaja cheap minibuses, and the TransJakarta bus rapid transit system, and the Jabodetabek Commuter Railway. [edit]Lines The rail-based Jakarta MRT is expected to stretch across over 108 kilometres, including 21. 7 km for the North-South Corridor (From Lebak Bulus to Kampung Bandan) and 87 km for East-West Corridor(From Balaraja to Cikarang). [2] [edit]North-South corridor The North-South corridor will be built in two phases. Phase I, will be constructed in advance connects Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI along 15. km including 13 stations (7 elevated stations and 6 underground stations). The Indonesian ministry of Transport approved this plan in September 2010 and invited tenders and will be built at April 2012. [3] Phase II, will extend the North-South line from Bundaran HI to Kampung Bandan (7 underground stations and 1 ground-level station), targeted to operate in 2018 (accelerated from 2020 as the original plan[4]). [5] After completion of MRT Phase I and II, together with TransJakarta will serve 60 percent total trips made by Jakartans. edit]Phase I The first phase is 15. 7 kilometres (9. 8 mi) long from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI. The c onstruction project will begin in June 2011 and is expected to be completed in 2016 to serve 212,000 passengers per day. This expected capacity may be maxed out to 960,000 per day. The 15. 7 kilometers span expected to be covered in under 30 minutes. [6] Elevated stations Lebak Bulus Fatmawati Cipete Haji Nawi Blok A Blok M Sisingamangaraja Underground stations Al-Azhar mosque Senayan Bendungan Hilir SetiabudiDukuh Atas (Interchange Station with Jakarta Commuter Line) Bundaran H. I [edit]East-West corridor This corridor is currently in pre-feasibility study phase. The line is targeted to operate in 2027. [edit]Project Progress Progress of the first phase was funded through a loan by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), now merged into the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The loan number IP is 536 (signed November 2006) for engineering services. The engineering services loan is a pre-construction loan to prepare the construction phase.It consists of: Bas ic Design package, managed by the DGR (Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transport) Management and Operation package, managed by the Bappeda (Jakarta Regional Planning Board) Construction assistance in tender, managed by the PT MRT Jakarta On March 31, 2009, Loan Agreement 2 (LA2) for the amount of 48,150 billion Yen to build the Jakarta MRT System was signed by the Indonesian Government (represented by the Indonesian Ambassador for Japan) and JICA in Tokyo, Japan. [7] This loan is to be forwarded from the National Government to the Jakarta City Administration as a grant (on-granting agreement). 8] After the signing of the granting agreement for LA2, city administration will propose another two loan agreements for LA3 and LA4 to the central government. These proposals will become a lending agreement for the local government. The total amount of LA3 and LA4 addressed as a loan by the local government is about 71867 billion yen. This amount is based on the progress, outcome and absorbance of LA2. The total loan package from JICA for the development of the Jakarta MRT system is worth a total of 120 billion yen.Work on the basic design for the first phase of the current version of the project began in late 2010. The tender process was underway in late 2012 when the new governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo, unexpectedly said that he wanted a review of the project. After several months of uncertainty governor Joko Widodo announced that the project would go ahead. He listed it as one of the priority projects in the Jakarta city budget for 2013. [9] Physical construction is expected to begin in 2013[10] and the line is expected to be operational by 2017. [edit]PT Mass Rapid Transit JakartaPT Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta (PT MRTJ) is a limited liability (Perseroan Terbatas) company founded by the Jakarta Provincial Government. Its establishment was approved by the provincial parliament (DPRD) on 10 June 2008 and final establishment was by notary act on 17 June 200 8. Its purpose is to operate the Jakarta MRT System. The shares are made up from 99% Jakarta Provincial Government and 1% PT Pasar Jaya (another Jakarta Reginal-Government-Owned-Company). PT MRTJ is classed as a Regional-Government-Owned-Company (Badan Usaha Milik Daerah-BUMD).The BUMD form for PT MRTJ is designed not to create profits for the shareholders, but instead to create flexibility in accessing alternative financing, which would otherwise be impossible if the company was directly part of the government. With this, the cost of tickets sold to clients will be reduced with some of the operational cost being subsidised by other sources. The BUMD form also ensures transparency and accountability through the shareholders' General Meeting, Decision Making and Reporting System which will be publicly available.